Sunday, February 20, 2011

Vishaka Hari - 3 - Krishna Leela - Kaliya Narthanam - Krishna dancing ov...

Vishaka Hari - 3 - Krishna Leela - Toddler Pranks

Vishaka Hari - 2 - Krishna Leela - New Born (Nativity)


About this blog

Dear Devotees

This blog is all about hindu devotional things....I am planning  to discuss abuot various topics in Aanmeegam and like to hear from all of you about unknown things....

Namaskarams..i like to say the tradition of upanyasams....its is very useful for layman to understand bhakthi/difficult vedantic philosophy.....generally
connected from 18 puranas.basically srimad bhagavatha purana is
the main source of upanyasams.i think Sri Narada is main upanyasa karta
and formost teacher in upanyasams........based on evidence Sri sukadeva
muni given upanyasams to Raja Parikshit about Sri Bhagavatha purana
for 7 days in the early days of Kali yuga. In old days.....the upanyasams
used to conduct in Royal courts......not for common man.......but it
is vibrant medium for masses later years.......still is very useful tool
to understand puranic stories.....